Flowers consist of 5 crown leaves with the exception of Rosa sericea which only has 4 leaf crown. Flower color is usually white and pink or yellow and red in some species. Ovaries were at the bottom of the crown leaves and leaf sheath. Flowers produce aggregate fruit (grown from a single flower with many pistils), called rose hips. Each pistil develops into a single fruit (achene), while the collection of single-wrapped fruit pulp on the outside. Species with flowers that open wide to invite the arrival of more bees or other insects that help pollinate so tend to produce more fruit. Glorification of roses produce flowers that leaf crown closed, making it hard pollination. Some fruits are red roses with a few exceptions such as Rosa pimpinellifolia that produce fruits dark purple to black. In some species such as Rosa canina and Rosa rugosa rose hips to produce fruit that is rich in vitamin C and even among the natural sources of vitamin C the most wealthy. Rose hips fruit-eating birds like the fruit that helped spread the seeds of roses with dirt removed. Several species of birds such as finches also eat the seeds of roses. In general, roses have thorns shaped like a hook that serves as a grip when climbing other plants. Some species that grows wild in sandy soil in coastal areas such as Rosa rugosa and Rosa pimpinellifolia adapt to a straight razor like a needle that may serve to reduce the damage caused by animals eating, holding sand in the wind and protect the roots from erosion. Although already protected by thorns, deer do not seem afraid and often damage the roses. Some species of roses have thorns that are not developed and not sharp. Roses can be plagued with several diseases such as leaf rust which is the most serious diseases. The reason is Phragmidium mucronatum fungus that causes leaf loss. The disease is not so dangerous as Wheat mildew fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa caused, while the disease black spots marked the emergence of black spots on leaves caused by fungi Diplocarpon rosae. Roses also a food for the larvae of some Lepidoptera species.
In Western culture, the rose is the flower symbol of love and beauty. The rose was sacred to some god in Greek mythology such as Isis and Aprodite.
The rose is the national flower of England and used as a symbol of the national rugby team and England Rugby Football Union in England. In Canada, the wild rose is the provincial flower of Alberta. In the United States, the rose is the state flower of Iowa, North Dakota, Georgia, and New York. City of Portland in the state of Oregon that every year a festival of roses is often called the "City of Roses." A rose is a symbol of anti-violence in Georgia during the Rose Revolution happened in 2003
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