Orchid is known as a popular ornamental plant that used flowers. Very beautiful orchids and almost infinite variations. Common orchid sold as potted plants or as cut flowers. Indonesia has a wealth of orchid species are very high, especially orchids, epiphytes that live on forest trees, from Sumatra to Papua. Orchid is a flower charm in the Indonesian nation. Orchid also became the national flower of Singapore and Thailand. Orchids are often used as a symbol of love, luxury, and beauty for centuries. The Greeks used orchids as a symbol of masculinity, while the nation of China in ancient times believed that the orchids as plants that emit scent of the body of Emperor of China.
In the mid-day, orchids have an important role in the development of treatment techniques using vegetation. Its use also extends to the subject of herbs and even believed to be the main raw material ingredient in love potions-making at certain times. When orchids come in a dream a person, it is believed as a symbol of the representation of a deep need to kelembuatan, romance, and faithfulness in a relationship. Finally, at the beginning of the 18th century, orchid collecting activities began to be a lot of activities carried out in all parts of the world, mainly because of the beauty of this plant. Vanilla (Vanilla planifolia) is also a member of the tribe-anggrekan orchids. This plant used the fruit. To produce fruit, vanilla should be "mated" by humans, because the insects can not live penyerbuknya outside the homelands, though now the efforts towards the use of insects started to do.
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