Tulip (Tulipa) is a genus name for the 100 species of flowering plants belonging to the family Liliaceae. Tulips came from central Asia, growing wild in the mountainous Pamir region and the Hindu Kush mountains and steppes of Kazakhstan. Holland is known as tulip country. Tulip also the national flower of Iran and Turkey. Tulip is rooted annual plants with height between 10-70 cm, waxy leaves, narrow elongated shape green bluish shades, and large flowers consisting crown leaves 6. Tulip hybrid produces a single-colored flowers, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, or various combinations and gradations of color. Tulip produce seeds flat circular wrapped in dried capsules. Like roses, lilies, orchids and peonies, tulips are flowers of the most cultivated man.
At first tulips grow wild in Central Asia and West Asia. Turkish Ottoman Empire captivated by the beauty and perfection of tulips and tulips began to grow since 1000. Motives tulip has long been widely used in ornamental art of Persian and Turkish. The name given to Europeans tulips come from Persian for the turban (Persian: دلبنت, dulband) because when the tulips bloom yet fully shaped to look like a turban.
The types of tulips that have been known since ancient times has a striped pattern, "a brush stroke," or "flames" or have other colors in certain parts of the petals, whereas the kinds of the newer has a colorful pattern on petals. Another touch of color on the basic color of tulips caused pigment changes at the top and bottom of the flower. Mosaic virus infection brought a kind of insect infestation causes a rare type of tulip with beautiful motifs such as graffiti brushes as prey for the Dutch Tulip mania of flowers fever. Mosaic virus causing tulip plants suffer and die slowly, though interest earned becomes very beautiful. Today, the mosaic virus can be said to have almost disappeared from the fields of tulips. In the Ottoman Empire and the Netherlands, the demand for tulips are not balanced enough supply cause a phenomenon called Tulip mania. Game tulip prices by speculators is also one of economic decline since the Ottoman Empire. Netherlands each year sending tulips to be planted in the city of Ottawa as a thank you to Canada who liberated Holland from Nazi Germany and during the occupation period generously providing residence of Queen Juliana who was then still a crown princess.