Sabtu, 14 November 2009

Morfologi Of Flowers

Stems and flowers are modified leaves. This modification caused by the production of enzymes stimulated by a number of specific fitohormon. Formation of tight flowers are genetically controlled and in many types of environmental changes induced by some, such as low temperature, long exposure, and the availability of water (see article Formation of flowers).

Flowers nearly always symmetrical, which often can be used as a taxon penciri. There are two forms of symmetry based interest form: aktinomorf ( "throwing stars", the radial symmetry) and zigomorf (mirror symmetry). Aktinomorf form more common. Religiosa Crateva flowering plants perfect: a stamen and pistillum.

Flower is the perfect flower if you have the means of male (stamens) and female tool (stigmas) together in a single organ. Flowers are so-called transvestite or hermaphrodite flowers. An interest rate is said complete if it has all the main parts of flowers. Four main sections of interest (from the outside in) are as follows:

* Flower petals or calyx;
* The crown of flowers or a corolla is usually thin and can be colored to attract insects that help the process of pollination;
* Male genitals or androecium (from the Greek Andros oikia: man's house) in the form of the stamens;
* The female genitals or the gynoecium (from Greek gynaikos oikia: "woman's house") of the pistil.

Female reproductive organ is the fruit or the leaves on the stem carpellum that there would be fruit (ovary) with one or several seeds will (ovulum, plural ovules) which brings female gametes) in the embryo sac. At the end of the pistil is the stigma or the stigma to receive pollen or pollen. Pistil stalk or stylus serves as a way for pollen to be going to the fruit.

Although the structure of interest described above as the structure of plants is said that "common", plant species showed a highly variable modifications. This modification is used botanical to make connections between plants with one another. For example, the two subclass of flowering plants are distinguished by the number of organs interest: dikotil plants generally have 4 or 5 organs (or multiples of 4 or 5) while the monocot plant has three organs or multiplication.

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