The genus Alamanda is native to South and Central America. Alamanda genus is native to South and Central America. Their year-round production of large, bright flowers have made the Allamanda popular ornamentals. Throughout the year they produce a large, bright flowers have made Allamanda popular ornamentals.
A woody, evergreen shrub with vigorous growth, Allamanda may reach a free-standing height of 2 meters or more. A timber, evergreen shrub with strong growth, Allamanda free standing can reach a height of 2 meters or more. The leathery leaves are lancelike, pointed, and may either be opposite or in whorls of three or four. Lancelike rough leaves, pointed, and may also be contrary to or whorls of three or four. The yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers are 5-7.5 Centimeters in diameter; cultivated forms tend towards larger blooms which may also be white, purple, pink or orange in color. Yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers with a diameter of 5-7,5 cm; cultivated tend to form larger flowers which may also be white, purple, pink or orange color. Their scent may be described as delicate and fruity. The smell of them can be described as soft and fruity.
In the wild, Allamanda grow along riverbanks and other open, sunny areas with adequate rainfall and perpetually moist substrate. In the wild, Allamanda grow along riverbanks and other open, sunny areas with adequate rainfall and constantly wet substrate. The plants do not tolerate shade, salty or alkaline soils; they are highly sensitive to frost. Plants do not tolerate shade, salty or alkaline soil, they are very sensitive to frost. Allamanda are otherwise undemanding and with appropriate conditions will grow rapidly, from 1-3 meters annually. Allamanda otherwise light and with appropriate conditions will grow rapidly, 1-3 meters per year. The seed capsules are oval and prickly; cultivated forms rarely produce seeds, but Allamanda are easily propagated from cuttings. Seed capsules oval and prickly; cultivated forms rarely produce seeds, but Allamanda easily propagated from cuttings. Discarded cuttings are quick to take root. Cuttings rooted quickly discarded.
Allamanda have become naturalized throughout the Tropics; they may be seen in Roadside ditches, abandoned yards and dumps. Allamanda has become naturalized throughout the tropics, they can be seen in roadside ditches, abandoned yards and sadness. As a controlling measure, cutting is ineffecive with Allamanda and will lead to vigorous coppicing. As a control measure, cutting is ineffecive with Allamanda and will result in strong coppicing. Owing to its fast growth, Allamanda has been introduced widely where it is used as a groundcover or for Hedges and screens. Because of rapid growth, Allamanda has been introduced widely where it is used as a groundcover or to fence and screen. In some areas Allamanda are an invasive species, notably Allamanda cathartica in Queensland, Australia. In some areas Allamanda is an invasive species, especially Allamanda cathartica in Queensland, Australia.
Allamanda cathartica is also notable for its medicinal properties: all parts of the plant contain allamandin, a toxic iridoid lactone. Allamanda cathartica is also notable because of the nature of the drug: all parts of the plant contain allamandin, toxic iridoid lactone. The leaves, roots and flowers may be used in the preparation of a powerful cathartic (hence the name); the Milky sap is also known to possess antibacterial and possibly anticancer properties. Leaves, roots and flowers can be used in the preparation of a strong cathartic (hence the name); sap milk is also known to have antibacterial and anticancer properties might be. Gardeners exposed to the sap will develop rashes, Itch, and blisters. Garden infected sap will develop a rash, itching, and blisters.
The genus name derives from Allamanda Dr. Frederich Allamanda (1735-1803), a Swiss botanist of the late 18th century. Allamanda genus name comes from Dr. Frederich Allamanda (1735-1803), a Swiss botanist of the late 18th century.
The City of Canóvanas in the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, has named the Allamanda Carthica (Yellow Bell's) it's official flower / plant due to the Vast amount of these thru the entire city and it's rivers. Canóvanas Cities in the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, has been named Allamanda Carthica (Yellow Bell) is the official flower / plant due to the large amount through the whole city and the rivers that. It's also in their seals and downtown plaza. This is also in their seals and the square downtown.
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